The Council have now issued the first draft of their Local Plan for comment.
The plan, which if approved will run from 2026 to 2041, sets out the overall framework within which planning decisions will be made, covering issues such as housing, employment transport and environmental issues.
We are looking at, and planning to comment on particular issues that affect our area, such as:
- the lack of community facilities and services (eg we have no local GP, dentist of community centre)
- the poor provision of public transport
- the high levels of traffic on King Harry Lane and Watford Road, and the congestion at the King Harry roundabout
- the protection of our green spaces
And to object, in the strongest possble terms to the fact that Bedmond Lane Field has been identified as a possible site for housing.
Herts and Middlesex Wildlife trust have already submitted extensive and detailed objections which you can read here .
Your views on any of these issueas, or anything else included in the plan should have to be submitted by 25 September via an online questionnaire. For details see where the whole plan can be accessed.
Comments about Bedmond Lane Field should be entered in section “Appendix 1– Site Allocations” and should refer to site M3 Bedmond Lane.