Annual General Meeting
The 2015 Annual General Meeting will take place at Prae Wood School on Thursday 14 May starting at 7.30pm. This is your opportunity to find out more about what is going on in our community and what the VRA is doing. Drinks will be available from 7.00pm
1. Welcome, Introduction and Apologies for absence
2. Presentation by Transition St Albans about their neighbourhood scheme, Transition Streets, and also about their work on energy saving, home grown food and zero waste.
3. To approve Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on Thursday 10 April 2014 and to discuss any matters arising from the Minutes.
4. Chairman`s Report.
5. Treasurer`s Report
6. To approve amended Constitution (a final copy of our updated constitution taking into account the helpful comments that were made by residents at last year’s meeting is available here
7. Election of Officers
8. Any other business and Question and Answer session.
9. Closing remarks.
Banner Homes’ appeal
The Verulam Residents Association is very pleased to hear that Banner Homes’ appeal against St Albans Council’s decision to list Bedmond Lane Field as an asset of community value has been dismissed.
We note with particular interest the Judge’s remark that “it is not fanciful, given the history of the Field, to think that Banner Homes may well conclude that their relations with the local community will be best served by restoring the status quo or by entering into some form of licence arrangement with the Residents’ Association or similar grouping.” Even though we cannot be sure that we have come to the end of the legal process we very much hope that this will provide the basis for a positive way forward.
The Spring Newsletter is now available. Please click here to read it in full
Bedmond Lane Field – appeal against refusal of planning permission
For more information on Banner Homes’ appeal, please click here.
Bedmond Lane ACV appeal
Banner Homes’ further appeal against St Albans District Council’s decision to list Bedmond Lane Field as an asset of community value will take place at Court 7, Field House, 15 Breams Buildings, London EC4A 1DZ on Wednesday 4th March, starting at 2pm and expected to last half a day.
This hearing, which will be chaired by a judge, will not consider any new evidence. The main focus will be on legal arguments about how the Council came to its decision at the first hearing, which took place at the Civic Centre last September.
Barristers will speak on behalf of both Banner Homes and the Council. The VRA has been working closely with the Council as they prepare for the hearing. Members of the committee will attend but, given that the hearing will largely consist of legal arguments, we are not expecting to speak.
All of the evidence we presented at the first hearing, including the statement we made then, has been carried forward to the appeal and we have also submitted a new written statement, responding to the arguments put forward by Banner Homes in their appeal against the Council’s original decision.
The hearing is open to the public. Breams Buildings (which is a street and not a building) runs between Chancery Lane and New Fetter Lane, and is about 10 minutes’ walk from City Thameslink Station.
We have been told that there is limited accommodation for members of the public in the court and a seat cannot be guaranteed. As at the first hearing, there will be no opportunity for members of the public to speak.
It is very unlikely that any decision will be made or announced on the day.
We are sorry for the short notice, but we have only just received the final details about the hearing.
Current consultations being undertaken by SADC
St Albans City and District Council publishes all its current consultations on its website. You can view them here. Current consultations include parking in the district and the future of the bus services.
New Bus Service Consultation
Herts County Council are running a consultation on the county’s Bus Service. Their new proposals would save approximately £1.471m from the current bus budget by withdrawing funding from contracted services that run after 7:30pm and services on Sundays, except for routes which go directly to hospitals which would run until 7.30pm. Click on this link to view the consultation: Bus Service Consultation.
Where to build new homes?
The Draft Strategic Local Plan is now open for consultation. You are invited to view it and make comments between: 10/10/14 11:00 and 23/11/14 17:00. Please make your voice heard , click on this link:
…planning_policy/dslp2014 or read more…